How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic


New Relic is a powerful monitoring platform that provides valuable insights into the performance and health of your applications. One of its key features is Synthetics Monitoring, which allows you to proactively monitor your applications and APIs from locations around the world.

However, setting up Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic can sometimes be a complex task. In this article, we will guide you through the process and provide you with valuable tips to make it work seamlessly.

New Relic Synthetics Monitoring is a crucial tool for ensuring the optimal performance and availability of your applications. By simulating user interactions and monitoring critical transactions, Synthetics helps you proactively identify and address issues before they impact your users.

In the following sections, we will walk you through the process of setting up Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic, step by step.

Understanding Synthetics Monitoring

Synthetics Monitoring to Work in New Relic

Synthetics Monitoring allows you to create monitors that simulate user interactions with your applications. These monitors can be scheduled to run at regular intervals from multiple locations worldwide.

By monitoring critical transactions, API endpoints, or even entire user journeys, you can gain valuable insights into the performance and availability of your applications.

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Step 1: Setting Up Your New Relic Account

Before you can start using Synthetics Monitoring, you need to have a New Relic account. If you don’t have one already, you can sign up for a free trial on the New Relic website. Once you have your account, log in and navigate to the Synthetics section in the New Relic dashboard.

Step 2: Installing the Synthetics Agent

To enable Synthetics Monitoring, you need to install the Synthetics agent. The agent is a lightweight piece of software that runs on your servers and allows New Relic to monitor your applications. Follow the installation instructions provided by New Relic to set up the agent correctly.

Step 3: Creating Monitors

Once you have the Synthetics agent installed, you can start creating monitors. Monitors define the tests that will be performed on your applications. You can create simple ping monitors to check the availability of your applications or more complex scripted browser monitors that simulate user interactions.

Step 4: Configuring Monitors

After creating a monitor, you need to configure its settings. This includes specifying the URL or endpoint to monitor, setting the check frequency, and choosing the locations from which the monitor will run. You can also configure alerts to notify you when a monitor fails.

Step 5: Analyzing Results

Once your monitors are up and running, you can start analyzing the results. The New Relic dashboard provides you with detailed information about the performance and availability of your applications.

You can view response times, error rates, and other relevant metrics to gain insights into potential issues.

Best Practices for Synthetics Monitoring

To ensure effective Synthetics Monitoring, consider the following best practices:

1. Define meaningful and realistic user journeys to simulate actual user interactions.

2. Regularly review and update your monitors to reflect changes in your applications.

3. Set up alerts to notify you immediately when a monitor fails or exceeds predefined thresholds.

4. Leverage the power of synthetic monitoring in combination with other New Relic features for comprehensive application monitoring.

5. Use the API testing capabilities of Synthetics Monitoring to validate the responses from your API endpoints.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Despite its effectiveness, you may encounter some challenges when setting up Synthetics Monitoring. Here are a few common issues and their potential solutions:

1. Problem: Monitor fails due to incorrect credentials.

   Solution: Double-check the authentication details provided in the monitor configuration.

2. Problem: Monitor reports false positives.

   Solution: Review the monitor’s configuration and adjust the thresholds to better match your application’s behavior.

3. Problem: The monitor is slow to detect issues.

   Solution: Decrease the check frequency or consider using multiple monitors to increase coverage.


New Relic Synthetics Monitoring is a powerful tool for ensuring the performance and availability of your applications. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can set up Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic and gain valuable insights into your application’s health.

Proactively monitoring your applications with Synthetics will help you deliver a superior user experience and minimize downtime.


Can I use Synthetics Monitoring to test APIs?

Yes, Synthetics Monitoring supports API testing. You can create monitors that send requests to your API endpoints and validate the responses.

How often should I run my monitors?

The frequency of your monitors depends on your specific requirements and the criticality of your applications. Consider the desired level of monitoring and the potential impact on your application’s performance.

Can I integrate Synthetics Monitoring with other monitoring tools?

Yes, New Relic provides integrations with other monitoring tools and platforms. You can leverage these integrations to consolidate your monitoring efforts and gain a comprehensive view of your applications.

Can I run synthetic tests from different geographical locations?

Yes, New Relic allows you to choose from various locations worldwide to run your synthetic tests. This helps you understand the performance of your applications from different regions.

How can I optimize the performance of my synthetic tests?

To optimize performance, ensure that your synthetic tests are focused on critical transactions and user journeys. Regularly review and update your monitors to reflect changes in your applications.

By following the outlined steps and best practices, you can leverage the power of Synthetics to monitor the health and performance of your applications effectively. Remember to regularly review and update your monitors to ensure accurate monitoring and maximize the benefits of Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic.

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