How far is Singapore from Maldives by plane

How far is Singapore from Maldives by planeHow far is Singapore from Maldives by plane


The flight distance from Singapore to Maldives is estimated to be 3,424 kilometers or 2,126.3 miles.

The flight duration from Maldives to Singapore is 4 hours, 45 minutes.

Frequently asked questions

How far is Singapore from Sydney

The distance from Sidney to Singapore is 6,300.58 kilometers or 3,912.66 miles or 3,402.04 nautical miles. The total flight duration from Sydney to Singapore is 8 hours, 23 minutes.


How far is Singapore from the Equator

Singapore one of the closest cities to the Equator  is 144 kilometers apart from the Equator. The distance from Singapore to the Equator is 144 kilometers which equals 89 miles

This establishes the fact that Singapore is one of the closest cities to the Equator.


How far is Singapore from USA by planeHow far is Singapore from USA by plane

The straight line distance between Singapore and USA is 15,299 kilometers which equals 9,506 miles.

This means that the total flight duration of such distance would be 18-19 hours.


How far is Singapore from Australia by plane

The flight distance from Singapore to Australia is 4,414 kilometers or 2,741 miles.

The flight duration from Singapore to Australia is 8 hours, 44 minutes.


How far is Singapore from Boston

The straight line distance between Singapore and Boston is 15,124 or 9,398 miles or 8,172 nautical miles.

The total flight duration from Boston to Singapore is 19 hours, 18 minutes.


How far is Singapore from Chicago

The distance from Singapore to Chicago is 15,079 kilometers which equals 9,770 miles or 8,142 nautical miles.

The total flight duration from Singapore to Chicago is 21 hours, 40 minutes.


How far is Singapore from California by plane

The flight distance between California and Singapore is 13,464 kilometers or 8,361 miles.

The total flight duration from Singapore to California is 16 hours, 53 minutes.


How far is Singapore from UK

The straight line distance between United Kingdom and Singapore is 10,965 kilometers which equals 6,813 miles.

The total flight duration from Singapore to UK is 12 hours, 17 minutes.


How far is Singapore from Florida

The straight line distance between Singapore and Florida is 19,507 kilometers which equals 12,121 miles.

The total flight duration is 21 hours, 17 minutes.


How far is Singapore from New York

The straight line distance between Singapore and New York is 16,747 kilometers which equals 10,400 miles.

The total flight duration is 19 hours, 45 minutes.


How far is Singapore from Nigeria

The straight line distance between Singapore and Nigeria is 10,560 kilometers which equals 6,558 miles.

The total flight duration is 13 hours, 12 minutes.

Read also: How far is Aruba from Antigua

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